About Me

Hi, I’m Megan!

Teaching Experience

I have been teaching for 8 years in the public schools in Massachusetts. I began my career in a co-taught fully inclusive Pre-K classroom and moved on to a self-contained K-4 setting. I am licensed in Severe Special Education and primarily teach students with high support needs. Over the last 8 years, I have worked with students who have Down Syndrome, CVI, TBI, multiple disabilities, students who are autistic, and students with complex healthcare needs.

Approach to Teaching

My approach to special education is simple- my job is to make school more accessible for all learners. Accessibility doesn’t just apply to mobility and print access. Implementing Universal Design for Learning, neurodiversity affirming practices, and working with students instead of against them creates more accessible schools for neurodivergent students. I’ve learned over the years that getting back to the basics of school – prioritizing connection, individualizing approaches, and simplifying classroom systems – has made for more success and less stress in the classroom.

Personal Life

My husband and I live in Western, MA, with our handsome dog Ozzie. We are lucky enough to both teach in the same school!

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